Molecular Formula:
Molecular Weight:
CAS No.: 62-44-2
Specifications: BP68
Others: Phenacetin is mainly usedas an antipyretic analgesic, with slow and lasting effects, treating headaches,neuralgia, joint pain, and fever, and weakly resisting rheumatism andinflammation. Because of toxic side effects and the rapid development ofsimilar drugs, however, it is no longer used alone, only as a raw material incombination with other drugs. Commonly combined with aspirin and caffeine toform a less toxic compound aspirin used to treat the common cold. Can makechlorpheniramine cold tablets by adding a small amount of chlorpheniramine tothe above compound, used to treat colds with headache, neuralgia, rheumatism,etc. Can be used as a material for organic synthesis or a pharmaceuticalintermediate.
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